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Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Neither vulnerable. North deals.



uA K Q 10

v9 8 7 4

wA 7 3 2


xJ 8 7 xQ 10

u7 4 uJ 9 8 6

vA K 6 5 3 vQ 2

wK 9 8 wQ J 10 6 4


xA K 9 6 5 3 2

u5 3 2

vJ 10


The bidding:


1v Pass 1x Pass

1NT Pass 4x Pass

Pass Pass

Opening lead: King of v

Boxing has given rise to many colorful terms, some of which have been incorporated into bridge. Here is an example of an “uppercut,” as it applies at the bridge table.

There is much discussion whether, when holding four cards in each minor, it is correct to open one club or one diamond. Either would have posed a rebid problem for North after South’s one-spade response, and the ugly one no trump is actually the lesser of evils.

West led the king of diamonds. What is the correct card for East to play?

East cannot afford to drop the queen in an effort to show a doubleton — that card promises the jack, allowing partner to underlead the ace next should West want to transfer the lead to East. However, after East followed with the deuce it could do no harm to continue the suit whatever the distribution, and the defense became easy when East contributed the queen under the ace.

A third diamond was led and, since ruffing with either the ten or the queen would promote West’s jack, East was in the fortunate position of not being able to go wrong. At the table East uppercut with the queen, forcing declarer to overruff with the king. The ace fetched East’s ten, but West remained with J 8 of trumps over declarer’s 9 6 and had to score two trump tricks for a one-trick set.

2013 Tribune Media Services