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Hygiene kit donations are being collected

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Central Christian Church, 218 Meadowbrook Road, is collecting items and receiving monetary donations for hygiene kits for Church World Service through March 17. Supplies have been seriously depleted in response to natural disasters, most recently Hurricane Sandy. Hygiene kits can make the difference between sickness and health for struggling families. Items needed for each kit are one washcloth, one bath-size bar of soap in wrapper, one wide-tooth comb, one nail clipper, six standard size bandages, one toothbrush in original packaging and one hand towel measuring approximately 16-by-28-inches, no fingertip or bath towels.

Approximate value per kit is $10. Processing and shipping cost is $2 per kit.Items can be dropped off at the church from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays.