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Monday, February 18, 2013


Weekly Quiz Answers

Q. Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xA 9 5 uA K Q 9 4 vA K 5 wK J

What is your opening bid?

A. It depends on your methods. If you play gambling three no trump, you have to start with two clubs. If not, we would opt for three no trump. We might be able to run nine tricks opposite a Yarborough in partner’s hand with no play for either major game.

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

xK 10 9 5 4 uA 10 9 5 3 vJ wJ 8

Partner opens the bidding with one diamond. What do you respond?

A. With two four-card suits, you would respond in the lower- ranking. If partner holds the higher-ranking, that will be his rebid. With this distribution, you intend showing both suits, starting with the higher-ranking. Bid one spade, intending to rebid hearts, if the auction permits.

Q. Neither vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xK 4 uA J 10 8 6 4 vJ 8 w7 6 5

The bidding has proceeded:


1w Pass 1u Pass

2NT Pass ?

What do you bid now?

A. You cannot be sure of the right strain or even the right level. Bid three hearts. That is not a “drop-dead” bid, but shows a six-card suit and offers partner a choice of game contracts. He is in a better position than you to decide where the hand should be played.

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

xK uJ 10 7 6 5 vQ J 8 wA K 9 8

The bidding has proceeded:


1u 1x 1NT Pass


What action do you take?

A. Game is unlikely, so it is simply a matter of finding the best spot. Your king of spades is likely to be of more use at a notrump contract than at a suit, so we think you are in as good a spot as any. Pass.

Q. Neither vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xK 10 uA Q 9 6 4 vK 7 4 wJ 7 2

The bidding has proceeded:


1u Pass 2w Pass


What do you bid now?

A. That depends on your style. In days gone by, a bid of two no trump here would show extra values, so you would have to rebid two hearts. These days, with a two-over-one response being a game force, it is more useful to have it show a minimum opening bid with cards in the unbid suits. Bid it.

Q. Neither vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xQ 7 4 uA Q 9 4 vA K 4 wJ 10 4

The bidding has proceeded:


1NT Pass 2w 3v


What action do you take?

A. Don’t think of doubling — you hold no surprise for East — the overcaller knows he is missing the two top diamonds. Partner used the Stayman Convention to check on whether you have a four-card major, so bid three hearts.

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