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President fails to impress as he abolishes capitalism

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

President fails to impress as he abolishes capitalism

I quote President Obama: “If you like your present insurance you can keep it. If you like your doctor you can keep him, period.” Obama repeated these statements 24 times during the past year.

What reason or reasons prompted the president to continuously and knowingly deceive the American public? Let’s go back to days of his first campaign when we so often heard the words “fundamental transformation.” He impressed with his words for a nation hungry for change, but how many of us were aware of the president’s true motivation: the abolishment of capitalism and a major move into socialism.

He planned to ignore the crucial problems facing the country — unbalanced federal budget, high unemployment and a national debt that has gone through the roof. I think the president believed by pushing universal health care down our throats and making it the law of the land he would have accomplished the first step toward his ambition of the complete transformation of our capitalist government into a European system.

We should be thankful his plan was so badly conceived and so clumsily implemented that it is now destroying itself.

However you can’t tamper with one-sixth of this country’s economy’s and personal insurance without creating serious problems. Insurance companies were misled by Obama and his helpers and told to make ready for the changeover from the old policies to the new plans. The companies complied and canceled millions of the current policies to be ready for the new programs.

We know now the websites were a total mess allowing only a trickle of people to get through, leaving millions holding canceled insurance policies and wondering what was going to happen to them. While this situation is becoming worse as each day goes by, you, Mr. President and your administration can only hope the insurance companies can rectify the damage inflicted on the millions of policy holders.

Mr. President, in your stubborn determination to sell your unpopular plan to the public, you have deceived us at every turn, and I fear this will cause a tremendous burden on the taxpayers.

Mr. President, your rhetoric is masterful, but words must bear substance to be effective.

Leon J. White, Columbiana