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Boardman Park to host baby boutique

Friday, August 23, 2013

Boardman Park will be having its semi-annual Baby Bargain Boutique Sept. 21 at the Masters Pavilion from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Admission is free with a non-perishable food item donation for Second Harvest Food Bank.

Boardman Park, keeping with tradition, promotes the “Green,” recycling in any form. The Baby Bargain Boutique does just that by allowing families to purchase good usable baby, children and maternity clothing, toys, books furniture and much more for children under the age of 8. It also gives the park the opportunity to provide a service to families in the community.

For those who have items to sell, reservations will begin for table rentals on Aug. 21. for Boardman residents only and Aug. 22 for non-residents and all others. Table reservations can only be made at the park office from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Indoor and outdoor spots are available.

The cost for Boardman residents is: $25 for an inside table and $20 for an outside table. The cost for non-residents is $30 for an inside table and $25 for and outside table. All fees are non refundable.

The event will not be rescheduled due to weather.

Outside reservations must bring their own table and may use a pop-up tent. A table and chair rental will be available to those who need them.

For more information on all events, visit the website at, or call Karen at 330-96-.0482 or the park office at 330-726-8107.