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Tailgating time

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tailgating time

When family and friends gather together to watch the game, loading up the table with a variety of easy-to-grab, flavorful appetizers is a winning plan. After all, casual food and good times are what game day is all about. For easy game-day recipes, like the cucumber cups below, see C2.

Lunchbox gourmet

The humble sandwich is nearly a no-brainer when it comes to back-to-school lunchbox options. It’s easy and portable, and most kids like the simple flavors of ham and cheese or PB&J.

Yet it often can be uninteresting and unhealthy, likely made with processed meats and cheeses or sugary peanut butter mashed between flavorless slices of refined-grain bread, thrown together in the morning by harried parents who may lack the time to be more creative.

For surprisingly simple recipes to turn your child’s school lunch into a gourmet feast see C2.

Mealtime made easy

The days just keep getting busier and busier. Schedules are more hectic and, too often, meals take a backseat to family chaos. Instead of opting for delivery or carry-out, build a repertoire of nutritious, delicious and quick recipes that can be prepared at home for the entire family to enjoy. For simple solutions for mealtime with the family see C2.

What is all the wine about?

Can you tell a $15 wine from a $60 wine? A cabernet sauvignon from a zinfandel? If I poured you a glass of wine, and you tasted it, and 10 minutes later I poured you a second glass out of the same bottle, could you tell it was the same wine? To learn a bit about wine drinking, see C2.