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Library story time focuses on ducks

Friday, April 26, 2013


Boardman librarian Karen Saunders hosted a story time for toddlers all about ducks in honor of spring April 10. She began the event by reading “Carl and the Baby Duck” by Alexandra Day. This book tells the story of a dog named Carl who likes to help a mother duck look over her babies. When one of her babies goes missing, she enlists the help of Carl to track it down.

Next, Saunders played a record on the library’s record player that told a story about a duck. Saunders also used the magnetic board to help illustrate the story better for children at the story time. Another story read at the library was “Duckie’s Ducklings” by Frances Barry, in which a mother duck believes she has lost her ducklings and sets out to find them, only to realize that the ducklings have been following her the entire time.

Saunders ended the story time with a rhyming game using words taped to the bottoms of rubber ducks that children selected from a large duck pool. Children also made a duck necklace craft to take home.