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Monday, April 15, 2013


Weekly Quiz Answers

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

xK 7 6 3 uK 9 3 v9 4 wK 10 9 2

Partner opens the bidding with one no trump. What do you respond?

A. With three kings opposite even a 15-17 one no trump, you want to be in game. Not necessarily in no trump, however. Bid two clubs first, to check on whether partner holds four spades. The ruffing value in clubs makes it right to probe for a possible 4-4 or better fit in the major.

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

xA 9 5 4 uQ 10 7 5 4 vK 10 6 5 wVoid

The bidding has proceeded:


Pass Pass 1u 2w

Dbl* ?


What action do you take?

A. Pass. Partner might make it, and any rescue action by you could prove disastrous.

Q. Neither vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xQ J 9 7 u5 v10 9 5 3 w9 7 6 2

Partner opens the bidding with 2NT (21-22). What action do you take?

A. You do not have much, but to argue this hand will produce exactly eight tricks at no trump and no more takes ESP. Certainly, if partner has four spades you want to be in the major-suit game so, at the reasonable risk of getting too high, check by bidding a Stayman three clubs.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:

x10 6 uQ 9 8 5 2 vJ 7 6 3 wQ 8

Partner opens the bidding with 1NT. What action do you take?

A. Your hand is surely worth two or three tricks at a heart contract. Correct to two hearts by whatever means you have available. Switch the red suits around and a pass of one no trump becomes more appealing.

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

x5 3 uQ 9 8 5 vK 7 wA K 10 9 8

The bidding has proceeded:


1x Dbl Rdbl 2v

Pass Pass ?

What do you bid now?

A. Your redouble asked partner to give you the right of way unless you have a clear-cut action. North has obliged, and your choice now lies between an invitational two no trump and a forcing bid of three clubs. We doubt that an 11-trick contract has much chance of success and, if no trump is to be played, it could be vital to have your hand declare. Bid two no trump.

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

xK Q J 6 uA 10 8 3 vA 10 4 wA K

The bidding has proceeded:


1w Dbl Pass 1x

Pass ?

What do you bid now?

A. Taking the opening bid into consideration, partner cannot have more than five or six points, so don’t think even for a moment about slam with your 21 points. Jump to four spades now. Anything else, except a cuebid, which will gain you nothing, is a disastrous underbid.

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