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Thursday, September 20, 2012


Both vulnerable. South deals.


xK J

uK Q 8 5

vA 5 3 2

w8 4 2


x9 8 7 6 5 3 2 x10 4

u6 4 uJ 2

v7 6 vJ 10 9 4

wK 3 wJ 10 9 6 5


xA Q

uA 10 9 7 3

vK Q 8

wA Q 7

The bidding:


2NT Pass 3w Pass

3u Pass 6u Pass

Pass Pass

Opening lead: Seven of v

Yes, this hand is familiar. The North-South hands are the same, but the East-West hands have been changed.

However, the slam should still be made.

Declarer wins the diamond opening lead in hand, draws trumps and then cashes the king and ace of diamonds.

Next declarer ruffs dummy’s remaining diamond in hand and cashes both spades. Declarer then cashes the ace of clubs, crosses to the table with a trump and leads a club to the queen.

If East has the king, that is the defenders’ only trick. Although his majesty is with West, the defender captures the queen but is trapped in an endplay.

West must concede a ruff-sluff. Declarer scores his trumps separately and the slam rolls home.

2012 Tribune Media Services