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LOUIE TODAY: Ken Salazar; 'Day America Died' author; Editor Todd

Friday, October 19, 2012

Vindy Editor Todd Franko co-hosts today with Louie,'s news radio partner. They'll review the week's news, argue over the political climate and look forward to Sunday's Vindicator.

Also, Atty. John C. Wohlstetter attorney and a senior fellow for technology and society with Discovery Institute, where he specializes in public policy and socio-cultural analysis, will discuss his just published piece, "The Day America Died."

Wohlstetter previously served as director of technology affairs for GTE Corporation, where he was responsible for strategic assessment of technology, regulatory, and market trends.

His articles and book reviews have appeared in many publications, and he is the author of the issues blog Letter from the Capitol, and "The Long War Ahead and the Short War Upon Us," a book examining issues arising out of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on America.

And Louie also will welcome Ken Salazar, secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior and former U.S.senator from Colorado, from 2005 to 2009.

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