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CHC students welcome guest readers

Friday, March 30, 2012


Canfield High School student athletes visited C.H. Campbell Elementary School to read to students during the school’s annual read-a-thon Feb 29.


Neighbors | Submitted.Canfield High School student athletes, left to right, senior football player Jimmy Rousher, senior football player Jordan Italiano, senior softball player Gina Mancini and junior softball player Kayley Keller participated in C.H. Campbell Elementary School’s annual read-a-thon by reading to the students in their classrooms Feb. 29.


Canfield High School senior football player and track athlete Connor Loze read to C.H. Campbell Elementary students as part of the school’s annual read-a-thon Feb. 29.


Students at C.H. Campbell Elementary School entertained some very special visitors the morning of Feb. 29. As part of the school’s annual read-a-thon, Canfield High School student-athletes visited the school to read to the students in their classrooms.

Several high school athletes from a variety of sports participated in the event.

According to Rose Rothbauer, C.H. Campbell Elementary School second-grade teacher, the read-a-thon committee plans activities to help encourage the children to read during the six-week period.

“Probably the favorite activity is having the high school students reading in our classrooms. The tradition of having high school athletes started about eight years ago. At that time, we asked Coach Mike Pavlansky to ask members of the football team and cheerleaders to participate. It was so successful that about three years ago we decided to ask all coaches to offer it to their athletes,” Rothbauer said.

According to Canfield High School Athletic Director Greg Cooper, the high school athletes benefit from reading to the elementary students.

“The high school athletes really enjoy it. The elementary school students like it and both groups get an awful lot from it. The youngsters hear how important reading is from their high school athlete role models, which really resonates with them. Our high school athletes get to see how rewarding it can be to donate time and effort to their community. It’s a win-win situation and an example of why the Canfield Local school system is special,” Cooper said.

Canfield High School student athletes participating in the read-a-thon included Ben Angelo, Brian Benson, Roselynn Betras, Curtis Burns, Emily Burton, Bryan Batton, Rayshawn Clark, Sam Conner, Steve Daprile, Danny Delahunty, Matt Dunbar, Brian Ferrier, Steve Hamilton, Tony El-Hayek, Alec Heldreth, Kyle Hido, Conner Hoelzel, Jordan Italiano, Bryce Jackson, Abbey Karlock, Connor Loze, Gina Mancini, Sydney Opladen, Olivia Pacheco, John Poullas, Cole Pryjma, Ellie Rafoth, Tylor Rhoads, Anthony Ross, Michael Ross, Jim Rousher, Maleck Saleh, Stan Socha, Anthony Spencer, Joe Tuchek and Shawn Williams.

“Greg Cooper and Mrs. Vince have been wonderful in helping coordinate it. This year, we had the most athletes ever. I think one of the most rewarding things about this tradition for our teachers is seeing ex-students return to C.H. Campbell as such positive roles models for their current students,” Rothbauer said.

The students participate in the read-a-thon for approximately six weeks. The number of books each student reads determines whether they earn a gold, silver or bronze read-thon medal. In addition, students who read 100 books become members of The 100 Club.

Some students ask for sponsors or donations. Any money they earn is used for new books or other materials for the classroom. “The great thing about our read-a-thon is the children get excited about reading and improve their reading skills while doing it,“ said Rothbauer.