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Friday, March 30, 2012


East-West vulnerable. East deals.


x8 5 3 2

uJ 9

vA 10 9 8 6 5 4



xQ 10 6 xA J 9 7 4

uA 10 uQ 6 4

vJ v7 2

wK 10 8 7 5 4 3 wJ 6 2



uK 8 7 5 3 2

vK Q 3

wA Q 9

The bidding:


Pass 1u 2w 2w

Dbl 3v 3x 4v

4x 5v Pass Pass

Dbl Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Six of x

If one of yesteryear’s stars attended a major championship today, he or she would be amazed at what has happened to the game. By and large, the standard of play has improved, but the bidding — strange.

Sitting North-South were a pair of European experts. The first three bids were impeccable. North’s two spades by agreement showed diamonds and, with a combined 22 high-card points, North-South were in an 11-trick contract — doubled, of course.

West led the six of spades, East won with the ace and switched to a trump. Declarer took it in hand with the king, and cashed the ace of clubs for a heart discard. A club ruff in dummy was followed by the jack of hearts. East and South played low; West won with the ace but did not have a diamond to return.

Regardless of what West did, declarer could ruff two spades in hand and discard one of the table’s spades on the king of hearts. That was 11 tricks and a near-top board.

2012 Tribune Media Services