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Make Republicans welcome here

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Make Republicans welcome here

Speaker John Boehner’s com- ment during a recent visit to Mahoning County, “I’m the last guy in the world who should be speaker of the House,” is sure to bring a chorus of “You got that right!” from local Democrats.

They can scoff all they want. The Speaker’s remark was in the context of how a man of very humble beginnings can set goals, work hard, put himself through college and achieve one of the highest legislative positions in the land. A parallel statement could be, “The Mahoning Valley is the last place in the country where the speaker of the House should be stumping for a Congressman.”

In an area so heavily Democratic, it seems a Republican speaker could spend his precious time in more Republican-friendly cities in the state. Yet, he came here because Washington is taking notice of how Republican-value leaders like Congressman Johnson can help achieve fiscal responsibility and promote economic and job growth. Need proof? Check out the article in Friday’s Vindicator about how Gov. Kasich’s Common Sense Initiative spurred an easing of alcohol sales regulations that is dramatically boosting sales for at least one Ohio micro-brewery.

Valley Republicans, do not become complacent in 2012. We have the opportunity to unseat the current presidential administration, retain an important appellate court seat and put more Valley Republicans in county, state and national office.

We can move away from the last place in the country where the speaker should be stumping for a congressman to a place that has the Republican speaker’s continued attention.

Jill A. Downie, Youngstown

IThe writer is a Republican committeewoman in Youngstown’s 3rd Ward.