

Weekly Quiz Answers

Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:

x10 7 6 uA K 10 5 3 v8 5 wA J 7

The bidding has proceeded:


1u Pass 2v Pass

2u Pass 3u Pass


What do you bid now?

A. If your two-diamond response was game forcing, your only option is to raise to four spades. If it was only invitational, pass — you could hardly hold less for your bidding.

Q. Neither vulnerable, as South you hold:

xA 9 8 6 5 2 uK J 9 vA wQ 7 6

The bidding has proceeded:


1x Pass 2u Pass


What do you bid now?

A. No, it isn’t automatic to rebid your ratty six-card spade suit when you have such good support for partner’s major. Should you do so, you might have a job convincing partner your support for his suit is not three low cards but includes two honors. Bid three hearts.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:

xK 9 uA Q 7 vA J 9 6 5 wK 10 4

What is your opening bid?

A. By now you should be getting the idea that aces and kings are slightly undervalued by the point count and that your hand is worth more like 18-19 rather than 17. Open one diamond.

Q. North-South vulnerable, as South you hold:

xA K Q J 7 uA K 9 vA J 9 5 w7

The bidding has proceeded:


2w Pass 2v 3w


What action do you take?

A. It might seem that it is automatic to bid three spades, but on second thought there might be a better way to handle your holding. Partner might have next to nothing, or some values, and you could find out more by passing. Also, partner might want to take a bite out of three clubs, so why rob him of the chance? Pass and see what he does.

Q. Neither vulnerable, as South you hold:

x9 5 uK Q 7 vA 10 5 wQ 9 7 6 2

The bidding has proceeded:


3x Pass ?

What action do you take?

A. If you can make anything opposite a nonvulnerable three-spade opening bid, check on the sort of pre-empts your partner makes. Pass, and don’t double any contract should the opponents enter the auction.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:

xQ J 7 5 u10 6 vA 10 8 3 wA K 6

The bidding has proceeded:


3x Pass Pass ?

What action do you take?

A. You could bet dollars to donuts that you can beat three spades, but what do you want to do about it? A double would be for takeout and since partner is a passed hand, it is highly unlikely you can make anything at the three-level. Pass and settle for a small profit.

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