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Sunday, March 25, 2012


Neither vulnerable. East deals.


xQ 5

uJ 4

vQ J 10 5 4

w10 9 8 5


x6 3 xJ 8 7 2

uQ 10 9 5 uA K 8 7 6 3

vA K 9 3 2 v8 7 6

wQ J wVoid


xA K 10 9 4



wA K 7 6 4 3 2

The bidding:


2u 4w 4v Pass

5v 6w 6u Pass

Pass 6x Pass Pass


Opening lead: ?

To appreciate this deal from the Kaplan Blue Ribbon Pairs at the recent ACBL Fall North American Champions reported by Dick Wegman, cover all cards except the West hand and decide: What should West lead against six spades?

South’s jump to four clubs over East’s weak two hearts promised at least a good 5-5 in the black suits. West bid a lead-directing five diamonds then sacrificed in six hearts. South made a reasonable decision to compete over six hearts, which would likely go down only two tricks.

West decided that South probably held 12 cards in the bid suits divided 5-7. North’s failure to prefer spades over clubs likely showed no more than three spades. Therefore, East very likely held three or four spades and had shown at least nine or ten red cards. He therefore selected as a lead the queen of his short suit!

That settled matters immediately. East ruffed the opening lead and cashed the ace of hearts — down one for 75 of the 77 matchpoints available on the deal.

2012 Tribune Media Services