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Friday, March 23, 2012


Neither vulnerable. South deals.


xA 8

u3 2

v7 5 4 3 2

wA 10 8 7


x9 7 2 xK 6

u9 8 5 4 u7 6

v6 vK J 10 9 8

wK J 4 3 2 wQ 9 6 5


xQ J 10 5 4 3

uA K Q J 10

vA Q


The bidding:


2w Pass 2v Dbl

2x Pass 3x Pass

5w Pass 5u Pass

6x Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Six of v

Here’s another deal from Eddie Kantar’s award-winning series “Thinking Bridge,” published in the Daily Bulletins at the recent ACBL Fall North American Championships held in Seattle.

“East’s double of North’s artificial two-diamond response is a lead-directing penalty double. It shows length and strength. It is not a takeout double. North is strapped for an intelligent rebid after South bids two spades. A raise to three spades is reasonable. [Put a club in with your spades if you feel squeamish supporting with a doubleton.]

“As South, you need the ace or king of spades to make a small slam a virtual laydown. Although it is likely North has a spade honor, it is not a sure thing. North is allowed to raise with three or four low spades. Worse. Blackwood won’t help you if he has one ace — it might be the ace of clubs. Also, finding the king of spades is not easy either.

“There is a way — exclusion key-card Blackwood. After major-suit agreement, a leap over game [must be a leap and must be over game] shows a void in the jump suit.

Not only does it show a void, but it also asks partner for aces, excluding the ace of clubs in this case — the jump suit. Also included in the response is the king of the agreed trump suit. All in all, there are four important [key] cards and the response is by steps. The first step, five diamonds in this case, shows 0 keycards, the second step, five hearts, shows one; and the third step, five spades, shows two. After North shows one key card, either the ace or king of spades, bid the slam. It should be cold. If partner shows two key cards, bid seven spades.

“Notice that North does not count the ace of clubs in the response. It’s very important when responding to exclusion Key Card Blackwood not to count the ace of the jump suit...”

For more information about “Thinking Bridge” and other Kantar writings, go to

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