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Mooney speaker places third in US

By Denise Dick

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Mooney speaker places third in US


Richard Clark, a recent graduate from Cardinal Mooney High School, finished third in the National Forensic League’s national high school tournament in Indianapolis.

Competing in the U.S. Extemporaneous division, Clark’s final round speech addressed the question “Are Super PACs good or bad for American democracy?” Clark is coached by Karen Wright.

Clark, who was the valedictorian of his class, plans to attend the University of Notre Dame.

He is the winner of State Farm Insurance’s National Merit Scholarship, a three-time state speech qualifier and two-time national speech qualifier.

GED testing set


Official GED Testing sponsored by Choffin Career and Technical Adult Education Department, University System of Ohio will be at 8:45 a.m. July 17 and 18 at Choffin.

All participants must be preregistered and bring photo identification.

To preregister or to enroll in free classes, call Choffin at 330-744-8715.

Campus notes

Wright State University, Dayton

Joanna Marie Woloschak Newton, a native of North Jackson, graduated with honors from Wright State University with a bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering.

During the past year, she has been working on a senior design project to design and construct an infant incubator to be used in a hospital in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Her project was selected to compete at Rice University’s National Undergraduate Design Competition: Beyond Traditional Borders.

Newton’s incubator will be taken to the Congo by a doctor from Project Congo.

Newton, who lives in West Carrollton, Ohio, was a member of several honorary societies and received many awards during her undergraduate work.

She will attend graduate school at Wright State.

Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

Madeline Wick DeSantis, daughter of former Youngs-town residents Daniel and Louise DeSantis, received her master’s degree in theological studies from Harvard University, Harvard Divinity School, last month.

DeSantis is a resident of Somersworth, N.H., and completed her under- graduate studies in religion at The George Washington University and St. Andrews University in Scotland, having graduated magna cum laude in 2010.

She will continue her work at Harvard as a research assistant at the divinity school as she prepares to continue her studies for her doctorate.