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South Side rally urges black residents to register, vote for Obama

Sunday, June 17, 2012

South Side rally urges black residents to register, vote for Obama

Staff report


A national organization is teaming up with local groups united in getting out the message to African-Americans: Vote to re-elect President Barack Obama.

Equally important is registering to vote, if you haven’t done so, said Sinclair Skinner, treasurer for 1911 United, a “Super PAC,” [political action committee] that had a rally today on the corner of Glenwood and Parkview avenues in the parking lot of the former Mr. Paul’s Bakery in the city’s Fosterville neighborhood on the South Side.

The event featured dancers, food and voter-registration forms.

Also, the groups will be active Monday at Youngstown State University’s Kilcawley Center from noon to 1:30 p.m. and at the Rockford Village on Dogwood Avenue on the East Side from 3 to 5 p.m.

Today’s event was coordinated with the Youngstown Warren Black Caucus and Simply United Together.

“Many of us don’t get out and vote,” said Sherry Williams, Simply United’s chief operating officer. “A lot of people in our community aren’t educated on registering and voting.”

For the complete story, read Monday’s Vindicator and