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Monday, July 16, 2012


Weekly Quiz Answers

Q. Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xJ 8 7 4 3 u9 6 5 vK Q w7 6 2

The bidding has proceeded:


1u Pass ?

What do you bid now?

A. Two bids come into consideration — one spade and two hearts. Since your hand is worth only one bid and your spade suit is so shabby, we prefer raising to two hearts — your known eight-card or better fit.

Q. Neither vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xA K 9 5 u9 3 vJ 9 4 wJ 7 6 2

The bidding has proceeded:


1u Pass 1x Pass

2w Pass ?

What do you bid now?

A. An awkward hand. You have a whit too much to pass, but the only course of action is to raise partner’s minor. Bid three clubs, and see what develops.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xA K Q 7 6 u9 8 3 vA Q J 6 w7

The bidding has proceeded:


1x Pass 2u Pass


What action do you take?

A. You have 16 points, all prime, plus distributional values, so you have enough to make a forcing response. You have a choice between raising hearts or bidding your second suit at the three level. We prefer three diamonds now, intending to support hearts next.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:

x9 8 5 4 2 uQ 9 3 vVoid wJ 8 7 4 2

Partner opens the bidding with one heart. What do you respond?

A. It is tempting to bid your five-card spade suit, but think of all the problems partner’s rebid might cause. We don’t want to make two bids if it can be avoided, so we’ll settle for a raise to two hearts.

Q. Neither vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xK 9 4 uJ 9 5 vA Q 8 w9 7 5 3

Partner opens the bidding with one spade. What do you respond?

A. There is a way to show a limit raise with only three-card support for partner’s suit, if you play one-no-trump forcing. Bid that, then jump in spades at your next turn. If that sequence is not available to you, raise to two spades now.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:

xA K Q 10 6 u9 vA K J 7 6 w9 4

Partner opens the bidding with one heart. What do you respond?

A. There are two ways to approach this problem. One is to jump to two spades immediately. The other is to start with one spade, then jump shift in diamonds at your next turn. There is little to choose between the two.

2012 Tribune Media Services