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Who runs the country? Not them

Monday, February 27, 2012

Who runs the country? Not them

Despite the fact I’m bald, I swear I’m going to pull my hair out the next time I hear someone use the words “politician” and “run the country” in the same sentence. A politician, even the president, does not run a country, at least not ours and at least not yet. They may lead or represent our country, but you and I are the ones that keep the wheels turning.

If every elected official from coast to coast took tomorrow off would everything come to a screeching halt? If you answered yes, you need to put down the paper right now and seek professional help.

On the other hand, if we all called in sick on the same day, there would be chaos. I’m afraid that too many people have too much faith and trust in elected officials who can barely run their own lives, let alone an entire country.

Bill Hegarty, Poland

There’s gold in those Ohio wells

It was reported in the Feb. 7 Vindicator that State Rep. Robert Hagan is outraged by the tax system for the drilling industry. He feels that self-reporting of taxable production is understated and should not be trusted.

Hagan suggested putting Ohio taxpayers on the same playing field as the oil and gas companies. He said, “We’ll take their word on what kind of money they make, just as we currently do with the oil and gas drillers.” That implies that Rep. Hagan has little trust of his constituents and Ohioans in general.

If Hagan is concerned about revenue, why is he so adamant about halting drilling, fracking and waste injection? The potential for significant monetary inflows exists in this region if they are not jeopardized by fear and ignorance.

Loren Kindler, Hubbard