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LOUIE TODAY: Nitro's parents; FreedomWorks COO

Thursday, February 16, 2012

After Wednesday's passage in the Ohio House of Nitro's Law, Nitro's owner-mom and dad, Liz Raab and Tom Siesto of New York City return to the show today to talk with Louie,'s news radio partner, about this long-awaited movement on the bill and the work yet to be done to get it through the Ohio Senate.

Also, Ryan Hecker, COO of FreedomWorks for America will talk about whether a brokered Republican NationaConvention is possible. FreedomWoris asking activists around the country to explain what they would do if they were a delegate to a brokered convention. Respondents were given numerous options beyond the current candidates, and were asked to provide preferences. The results so far reflect that many Republicans and independents are unhappy with the current field and would prefer other options.

FreedomWorks focuses on spearheading bottom-up grassroots campaigns on behalf of candidates who will promote economic freedom and aggressively supports candidates who will defend freedom. The group utilizes more than a million voluntees to elect candidates who fight for lower taxes, less government and more freedom.

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