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Teen X-Treme group wraps presents to benefit library

Friday, December 28, 2012


Neighbors | Natalie Scott.The Teen X-Treme gift wrapping team planned to lead a craft for any children who wanted to participate in it after Deborah Liptak read The Polar Express at Barnes and Noble Dec. 7.


Neighbors | Natalie Scott.Michael Vargo (left) and Rachel Durner wrapped a present at the Barnes and Noble library gift wrap event Dec. 7.


Neighbors | Natalie Scott.Teen X-Treme member, Katrina Robison, wore her Teen X-Treme shirt to show her support of the library's programs during the gift wrapping event at Barnes and Noble.


Neighbors | Natalie Scott.The Teen X-Treme gift wrapping team consisted of, from left, Michael Vargo, Shelby Childers, Lauren Vargo, Rachel Durner, Katrina Robison, and Deborah Liptak. This team worked from 5-9 p.m. to wrap presents for a donation to the Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County Dec. 7.


Neighbors | Natalie Scott.Al Houghton (left) had his presents wrapped by the Teen X-Treme team to help support the library's programs at Barnes and Noble Dec. 7.


All day on Dec. 7 there were representatives from various Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County (PLYMC) programs at Barnes and Noble to gift wrap purchases for a donation to the library.

The East Friends of the Library manned the table from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. that day, when the Teen X-Treme group arrived to do its part. Throughout the event, Deborah Liptak, Develpoment Director for the PLYMC, observed and participated in activities planned during the gift wrapping.

“We are trying to raise money for great library programs, like our Teen X-Treme program, that are there for kids who want to participate in them,” said Liptak. “Not only are these kids gift wrapping for our libraries today, but they are leading a craft later for younger children that come to do. I will also read the Polar Express today.”

Dec. 7 was also voucher book sale day for the library at Barnes and Noble. For any customer that came up to the registers to make their purchases and said they wanted their proceeds to support the library, a percentage of money gained in that order was donated to the library. Both customers and teen helpers were able to help the library throughout the event.

“I really like to be here,” said Teen X-Treme member Katrina Robison. “It’s fun to wrap presents and support the library. Books are easy to wrap and it makes you feel good to see so many people reading.”