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Thursday, December 27, 2012


Both vulnerable. South deals.


xK 5 4

u9 7 5

v8 2

wA Q J 9 2


xA 10 3 x9 8 7 2

uQ 10 6 4 3 uJ 8

vQ 6 4 vJ 10 9 5 3

w7 4 wK 5


xQ J 6

uA K 2

vA K 7

w10 8 6 3

The bidding:


1NT Pass 3NT Pass

Pass Pass

Opening lead: Four of u

One of our favorite definitions of a pessimist is someone who has spent some time with an optimist. But there is no question that, at the bridge table, pessimism pays.

South has a classic one no trump opener. No response other than three no trump should be contemplated by North.

West led the four of hearts and declarer had four fast tricks in the red suits. If the club finesse were to succeed, that suit would yield five tricks, bringing South’s total to the requisite nine. But what if, after winning the first trick with the king of hearts, declarer runs the ten of clubs and it loses to the king? (Declarer cannot afford to hold up on the first trick lest the defender shifts to a diamond.) East will return a heart, forcing out declarer’s remaining stopper and South can score only eight tricks, since West can win the first spade and cash sufficient heart tricks to defeat the contract.

After winning the first trick, South must start by attacking the entry to the danger hand by immediately leading the queen of spades. If West wins with the ace and forces out the ace of hearts, declarer can now take the club finesse with safety. If it loses to East and the defender can return a heart, the suit is breaking 4-3 and declarer loses only two hearts and a trick in each black suit. If West holds up the ace of spades, declarer can switch to clubs and guarantee nine tricks even if the finesse loses.

2012 Tribune Media Services