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Poland library program brings babies and books together

Friday, August 24, 2012


Neighbors | Alisa Manna.Children's Librarian and Assistant Supervisor, Linda Kucalaba, reads "Overboard!" at the Baby Brilliant event at the Poland Library. "Overboard!" is a story about a baby bunny that throws objects out of his crib, allowing plenty of opportunity for parents to help children interact with the story..


Neighbors | Alisa Manna.Kristie McQuistion (left) and her son, Andrew (right), sing along during a song at the Baby Brilliant event that is held once a month at the Poland library.


Neighbors | Alisa Manna.Travus Rolland (back) and his daughter, Nataley (front), listen to stories, sing along to songs, and learn more about interacting with reading to encourage learning abilities at the Baby Brilliant event at the Poland Library.


Neighbors | Alisa Manna.Megan Wilson (left) and her daughter, Myka (right), sing along during a song at the Poland library's Baby Brilliant event.


Neighbors | Alisa Manna.Jackson Rausch plays with letters at the Poland library Baby Brilliant program. The program is held once a month and aims to teach parents and caregivers how to increase language and learning awareness in children ages 6-23 months.


As a part of their Baby Brilliant program, the Poland library recently offered a workshop for toddlers ages 6-23 months. As a part of the Baby Brilliant project, the library plans programs devoted to parents on brain development, such as learning ability and language progression, which is enhanced by reading, singing and playing.

Along with the programs, the libraries recommend Baby Brilliant Kits, a collection of materials that stimulate and reinforce the development of pre-literacy skills.

Children’s Librarian and Assistant Supervisor Linda Kucalaba began the program by singing songs and rhymes from a handout. The handout had the lyrics and suggested movements the parents could do with their children for a sensory experience, such as tickling, hugging or kissing.

“The children hear the sounds and words that help develop language,” Kucalaba said. “The movements are for a special bonding experience between the parent and child.”

The librarian then read “Overboard!” by Sarah Weeks, a book about a baby bunny who tosses things out of his crib.

“I try to have a story where the parents can participate,” she said. “In this they were involved in the activity together and went ‘Overboard!’”

Kucalaba also read “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” a book she sang because the pattern of the language followed a tune and the parents were able to sing along.

“Parents are the most important people to a baby,” Kucalaba said. “Babies love the sound of their parents’ voices, so I’m trying to encourage the parents to sing.”

Kucalaba hopes by hearing stories and songs the babies develop a love for reading and that it carries through as they grow up.

Bree Fitzgerald said she comes with her daughter, Kiera, as often as she can because they love singing songs. Jaclyn Rausch has been coming with her grandson, Jackson, since he was 6-months-old because he loves listening to the rhymes and looking at books.

Not only does the Baby Brilliant program provide an enriching environment, it also helps the children interact with other kids their own age. After reading time is over, Kacalaba gave the kids time to play with their family and share with other toddlers.

For more information about this and other reading programs offered at the Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County, visit