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Jigsaw junkies trade old puzzles for new

Friday, August 24, 2012


Neighbors | Eartha Terrell.Participants scurried across the meeting room of Boardman library as they filled their bags with their favorite puzzles during the “Jig Saw Puzzle Swap” Aug 8.


Neighbors | Eartha Terrell.Marge King enjoyed interacting with other puzzle enthusiasts during Boardman library’s “Jig Saw Puzzle Swap” Aug 8.


Ann Lipinsky of Poland was excited to share her puzzles with others during Boardman library’s “ Jig Saw Puzzle Swap” Aug 8.


Boardman library Development Director, Deborah Liptak, and Friends of the Library Volunteer, Nicole Ramon, enjoyed themselves during the “Jig Saw Puzzle Swap” Aug 8.


Neighbors| Eartha Terrell.William Artz (left) was excited to see what he could find with his wife, Margaret, during Boardman library’s “ Jig Saw Puzzle Swap” Aug 8.


The Boardman library and Friends of the Library brought puzzle enthusiast together during the facility’s “Jig Saw Puzzle Swap” Aug. 8.

Dozens of people traded puzzles they’d already mastered for new ones. It also helped participants try out new puzzles while saving money.

“We think it’s a wonderful program to have at he library. It’s extremely important. Puzzles are expensive and it gives them a chance to share without buying new ones,” said Development Director Deborah Liptak.

Excited participants looked over several tables that overflowed with hundreds of puzzles in all shapes and sizes. The experience gave Margaret Artz, who has been doing puzzles for years, a chance to add to her collection.

“It’s a pastime for me. I’ve been doing puzzles for years. It relieves stress and keeps me out of the refrigerator,” said Artz.

There were few frowns as happy puzzle collectors filled their bags with new puzzles and also made new friends in the process.

“I think it went really well. It’s always a good experience. I’ve seen individuals make new friends here so it’s great for socializing too,” said Nicole Ramon, friends of the library volunteer.”