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Sunday, April 15, 2012


Both vulnerable. South deals.


x8 6 2

u8 7

vQ J 8 7

wA Q 6 5


xK J 9 3 xA 10 7 4

uK 10 6 4 2 uJ 9 5

vK 3 v6 4

w8 2 w10 9 4 3


xQ 5

uA Q 3

vA 10 9 5 2

wK J 7

The bidding:


1NT Pass 3NT Pass

Pass Pass

Opening lead: Four of u

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive,” wrote Sir Walter Scott. Sometimes yes. And all too often a simple ruse would have been enough. Consider this deal.

Three no trump is a normal contract, as is the heart lead. Obviously, the danger is that we need diamond tricks to get home and, if the diamond finesse loses, a spade shift by the defenders could prove fatal. To avoid this possibility, all we have to do is convince the defenders that they hit the right lead at trick one.

If we win the first trick with the queen of hearts and lose the diamond finesse to West, the defender knows we hold the ace of hearts — East would have played the ace and continued with a heart at trick one. Ergo, West should switch the attack to spades — down one!

The solution is simple. Win the first trick with the ace of hearts, cross to dummy with a club and take the diamond finesse, losing to West. If the defender is good enough to shift to a spade, congratulate him on his superb defense. However, chances are he will continue with hearts, and you coast home.

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