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Helping those with breast cancer

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Flowers may sound like such a cop-out, but they can turn hospital rooms into something resembling home. At Organic Bouquet get a dozen yellow roses, and 5 percent of the proceeds are donated to the Breast Cancer Fund. Visit


Laughter does wonders to lift spirits, so send or bring over a funny movie you think she would like. Better yet, get a Netflix gift subscription to keep comedies rolling in. Visit


Among the many reasons chemotherapy stinks is that it’s boorrrring. Help a friend pass the time with tools for an activity she enjoys, such as knitting yarn or a crossword puzzle book. Board games are good at killing hours. Games in travel form are ideal for portability. Visit


Now in its fifth edition, Dr. Susan Love’s “Breast Book,” considered the bible on all things mammary, gives comprehensive and accessible information on breast cancer and breast health, so women know what to expect. Visit


Offer to cook meals, walk the dog, help with child care or give rides to treatment. Be specific; saying “let me know if you need anything” won’t do much good if a person is shy about asking for help. If you bring food, check to see whether treatment has changed her sense of taste or dietary requirements. lets you set up a website where you can host a calendar for those who wish to help.


Help gather information about her diagnosis. Point her to resources, such as, which discusses how to talk to your child after being diagnosed. Beware not to overload her with information or be critical or dictatorial. operates a 24-hour hotline at 800-221-2141, where women can connect with other survivors.


Soft, loose-fitting clothes are a welcome respite post-surgery, when getting dressed can be stressful and uncomfortable. Alternative Apparel does comfort with style. There’s a “Pink Ribbon” line, in which 10 percent of net sales go toward finding a cure. Visit


Chemotherapy clinics can be chilly places, so a soft, bright blanket helps warm the experience. West Elm’s supersoft “favorite throw,” made of 100 percent acrylic, comes in 12 colors. Visit

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