Trickster tales come to life at the library


Neighbors | Sarah Foor .During the story of the clever tortoise, librarian Cheryl Bellanca had a group of guests act out the tortoise's trick, to put a large jungle between the reptile's foes, a bullying elephant and hippopotamus.


Neighbors | Sarah Foor .During the tale of the clever tortoise, Niki Vellaki (right) acted as one of the animals that was bullying the poor tortoise, a strong hippopotamus. Librarian Cheryl Bellanca (left) made sure to explain Vellaki's chracter's part of the story.


Neighbors | Sarah Foor .The trickster tales story time on Aug. 3 ended with an African antelope mask craft. Madeline Kagarise (right) took a moment to smile as she worked on hers.


A group of guests at the Boardman library on Aug. 3 were happy to get hoodwinked.

Librarian Cheryl Bellanca explored trickster tales from around the world and featured quick-thinking and cunning characters who always manage to wiggle out of trouble.

“Many cultures throughout the world explore trickster tales, but today we’re focusing on African characters that are mostly animals. We try and focus on some of the tricks that aren’t mean or unfair to others, but either way, the kids love this style of story,” shared Bellanca.

“The Monkey and Crocodile” featured two clever animals that try to outwit each other. When the monkey escapes being lunch for the crocodile, he attests, “Your teeth may be sharp, but your mind is dull.”

Cleverness also helped a small spider in “Anansi and the Talking Melon” and a bullied tortoise in “The Clever Tortoise.” To bring the shelled reptile’s legend to life, Bellanca staged a small play where the tortoise tricks an elephant and hippopotamus to both think they’re the strongest animal at the watering hole.

At the close of the event, guests constructed and colored African antelope masks.

Bellanca left her readers with a lesson from her exploration of trickster tales.

“They’re silly and fun stories, but I wouldn’t suggest acting like some of the tricksters we talked about today. Fairness and friendliness works with most people,” Bellanca said with a smile.