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Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Neither vulnerable. South deals.


xA K 6 5 2

uQ 7 6 5


wA Q J


x4 xJ 10 9 8 7

uJ 8 4 3 uK 2

v8 7 5 4 vQ 10 9

w9 7 3 2 w10 5 4


xQ 3

uA 10 9

vA J 6 3 2

wK 8 6

The bidding:


1NT Pass 2u Pass

2x Pass 3u Pass

3NT Pass 6NT Pass

Opening lead: Three of u

This deal is from a closed-pair event in Europe. After South opened with a weak no trump, at five of the six tables the final contract was six no trump.

After a minor-suit opening lead won in dummy, and declarer led a heart to the ten and jack. When the king appeared on the next heart play, declarers ran their winners, squeezing East in spades and diamonds and making 12 tricks.

At one table West opted for the lead of a low heart, and when, after a low heart from dummy fetched the king from West it seemed that declarer had an easy road to 12 tricks. Declarer won with the ace and ran the nine, so now had three heart tricks and had not yet lost a trick. But when declarer next led the queen of spades and continued with a spade, West’s diamond discard was a rude shock.

All would still have been well if West’s diamond length included the queen and West failed to cover the ten of hearts. Declarer ducked the spade, won the diamond return, cashed the ace-king of spades, followed by three rounds of clubs ending in hand. No luck — down one.

2011Tribune Media Services