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Sunday, November 27, 2011


East-West vulnerable. South deals.


xK J 10 3 2

u6 4

vQ J

wK Q 9 8


xA 8 5 xQ 9 4

u10 8 5 uK 7

vK 4 2 v8 7 5 3

w10 7 5 4 wA J 6 2


x7 6

uA Q J 9 3 2

vA 10 9 6


The bidding:


1u Pass 1x Pass

2u Pass 3u Pass

4u Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Two of v

This deal is from a semifinal of the Vanderbilt KO Teams some years ago. The bidding and opening lead at the two tables was identical. At one table the contract was made and at the other it was defeated. Can you guess which four tricks the defenders took to beat the hand?

Go the top of the class if you chose the two black aces and two trump tricks! Dummy’s queen of diamonds won the first trick and the king of clubs was led. East rose with the ace and shifted to the seven of hearts.

Declarer shot up with the ace, cashed the ace of diamonds and then led the ten, ruffing in dummy when that fetched the king. The queen of clubs was cashed for a spade discard, a club was ruffed in the closed hand and the jack of hearts was played. East won with the king and led his remaining diamond and, whether declarer ruffed high or low, the ten of hearts and ace of spades became the setting tricks!

Did you guess that, in addition to the two aces, declarer lost two trumps?

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