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Boardman chief: Armored truck on duty

By Ashley Luthern

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

By Ashley Luthern


The township’s police chief told trustees Monday night that the new armored truck already has been used several times since its Nov. 1 debut — including a drug raid earlier that day.

Police Chief Jack Nichols said investigators conducted a series of heroin buys from a house in the 900 block of Indianola Road and raided the house Monday morning, using the armored truck, and detained three people in the house. No charges have been filed at this time, and the investigation is ongoing, Nichols said.

Trustee Brad Calhoun accompanied police on Monday’s raid and called the experience “interesting,” as he saw officers attend a briefing and then 30 minutes later put suspects in handcuffs.

“It makes me appreciate what they do more, as [officers] come out with full armor and you see that at any time, someone in the house could break open a window and start shooting,” Calhoun said.

Also at the meeting, Administrator Jason Loree updated trustees about new signs at the township’s borders, which welcome people to Boardman. The first new sign, made of brick and composite board, was installed weeks ago on Market Street north of McClurg Road, he said.

A solar-powered light and the township’s seal will be the finishing touches, he said.

The sign cost about $10,000 and was paid for by cable-franchising fees, which are required to be used for township advertising and publications, Loree said.

Three signs, similar in design to the one installed, are planned and primarily will be paid for with donations, Loree said, adding some churches have committed to the project.

In other business, road superintendent Larry Wilson said Friday is the final day for leaf pickup. After that, residents may drop off leaves at Altiere’s Home and Garden Center on South Avenue and Elliott’s Garden Center on Western Reserve Road.