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Church altar guild officers inducted

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Evelyn Dwyer was installed recently as president of St. Michael Altar Guild for 2011-2012. Inducted as her associate officers were Doris Neel, first vice president; Phyllis Riley, second vice president; Jan Sternagel, secretary; and Rita Bova, treasurer.

Linda Fuller is chairman of the board, and named to committees were Agnes Romyak and Jerry Less, social; Ruth Molvin, publicity; Margaret Wood, telephone; Elizabeth Rehlinger, historian; Mary Ann Silverstri, flowers; Pauline Weldon, sacristy; Diana Vaccaro, parliamentarian; Pat DeRosa, ways and means; Virginia Gregor, sunshine; and Mary Ann Pavalko, membership.

Tom Soich, permanent deacon, conducted the ceremony assisted by Ann Garcia. Margaret Wood was the lector. Linda Fuller hosted the dinner.