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St. Michael’s students celebrate St. Joseph

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Neighbors | Submitted.St. Michael Parish fifth-graders Joseph Haniford, left, Dom Velasquez, Jack Rafoth, Dom Gelonese and Jimmy Fitzgerald hosted a parish-wide party in honor of St. Joseph March 19.  

A group of fifth-graders from St. Michael Parish in Canfield, along with their families, organized the parish’s first St. Joseph’s Day celebration March 19 in the church hall.

About 75 parishioners and their friends brought meatless entrees and Italian pastries in honor of St. Joseph, Jesus’ step-father and the patron saint of carpenters, workers and those in need of work.

Joseph Haniford, 11, welcomed the group and told of St. Joseph’s kind ways.

Jimmy Fitzgerald, Dom Gelonese, Jack Rafoth and Dom Velasquez explained items found on the St. Joseph table. Father Terry Hazel blessed all those in attendance, but especially those named Joseph and the St. Joseph table.

The table was decorated with white lilies and grapes and featured meatless dishes, breads, cookies and pastries.

Lemons hid among the food items on the table. It is said if a lemon is stolen from this table, the lemon holder will meet the person she/he is destined to marry before the next St. Joseph Day.

Those in attendance were given St. Joseph prayer cards with a fava bean to take home. The gift of a blessed bean is the most well-known custom associated with the St. Joseph Altar.

During the severe famine, the fava bean thrived, while the other crops failed. It is commonly called the “lucky bean.” Legend has it that the person who carries a “lucky bean” will never be without coin.