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Discounting devotion to duty

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Discounting devotion to duty

Ihave the greatest job in the world. I am a teacher at one of the best school districts in the state. My children attend school in another outstanding district. It is for these reasons I was quite disheartened by a recent Sunday letter, “Bargaining a privilege, not a right.” The author of that letter lives in the same school district that my children attend. I have never met a full-time teacher who only works 6 Ω hours a day. My children arrive at their school at 8:20 and board the bus to go home at 3:30. Their teachers are already in the room before that and often stay past the time the students leave. The “study” period that was mentioned is actually a planning period of about 40 minutes that is used to plan lessons in up to five subjects, grade tests, papers and projects, as well as have meetings to help improve the progress of students.

The success of the Canfield School District is anything but “laughable.” They have been considered an “Excellent” school district every year without exception. There is not one thing that has been “underachieving” about my sons’ teachers. Each and every one of them has made an amazing impact on their education. Their passion for teaching is immense. The teachers have challenged and encouraged my children to reach their highest potential. They are worth every penny they are paid.

My next thoughts are of the police officers who help maintain the safe, secure environment of my home town. Thank you for putting your life on the line every time you put on your uniform, even though you must often work several side jobs to supplement your salary. In my mind, you are a hero. Likewise, to the firefighters who would never hesitate to risk their own life to save another from a burning building. Often times, you are a volunteer fireman working another job. You too, I call hero. I will never forget the days of 9/11 after we lost so many of our brave firefighters and policemen. Their colleagues from all over the country rushed to New York to help the wounded and honor the dead. Some of whom themselves never made it home alive. May we never forget this ultimate sacrifice.

It has been my privilege to write this letter in gratitude to the public employees who serve my family and me. Thank God it is still also my right as an American citizen.

Caroline Beck, Canfield