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Canfield Lions welcome new officers for 2011-2012

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Canfield Lions Club has installed new officers. Those participating were, from left to right, front row, John Africa, Phil Bova, Joan Filisky, Caroline Phillips, Dr. Carmela Abraham, Harry Pancher and Ted Filmer, and back row, Dave Gauch, district governor-elect, installing officer; Tom Zurawick; Don Kwolek; Rich Yager; Pete Cannell; and Jack Patrick. Board members not pictured are Chris Haus, Jim Duncan and Marilyn Schmidt.


The Canfield Lions have installed new officers for the 2011-2012 term, which begins Friday.

The following were installed: Harry Pancher, president; Dr. Carmela Abraham, vice president; Ted Filmer, secretary; Phil Bova, treasurer; Marilyn Schmidt, lion tamer; Chuck Tieche, tail-twister; Pete Cannell, membership chairman and public relations; and John Africa, immediate past president.

Serving as board directors are Chris Haus, Rich Yager, Don Kwolek, Tom Zurawick, Jim Duncan, Caroline Phillips, Jack Patrick and Joan Filisky.

The club honored Dr. Abraham with the most prestigious Lions award, the Melvin Jones Fellowship, which past district governor Bob Booher presented.

She and other club members have been providing eye screenings for area schoolchildren for the past 10 years. The program is coordinated by Schmidt, and several thousand children have been screened over the years.

In addition Abraham has participated in the feed the hungry program and the annual craft show.

Africa presented the Lion of the Year Award to both Caroline Phillips and Don Kwolek. They participate in fish fries, eye screenings, the craft show, feed the hungry program, candy day and more.

Knights of the Blind Awards went to Bova and Ruth Ann Cannell for service involvement in the eye screenings as well as other activities of the club.

The Lions awarded scholarships to three graduating seniors who are members of the high school Leos Club. The Leos are members of a service club associated with the Lions.

The recipients were Anna Brocker, who will attend Mount Union College, $800 scholarship; Zak Abraham, who will attend Ohio State University, $800 scholarship; and outgoing Leos President Dina Casciano, who will attend Youngstown State University, $1,400 scholarship. Bova is an adviser along with Candice Reed, a Canfield High staff member.

Bova introduced incoming Leos President Jessica Tseng. She made a few remarks about continuing the Leos’ tradition of service.