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Life filled with lessons

Saturday, June 25, 2011

There are many lessons in life.

Some are easily taught while others are learned the hard way.

Using hindsight, our actions, reactions and sensitivity to situations can help us to make good choices which will produce a positive outcome.

As an example, we can refer to the account in Scripture concerning the children of Israel as they traveled through the desert, around the mountain, again and again.

In our life experiences, it may take us numerous round trips as well before we get the message.

For whatever reason, whether it is rebellion, a lack of trust in the Lord, or comfort in familiarity, these trips may serve as detours and deterrents to our life and God’s plan for us.

To choose our ways, and lean on our own thoughts without God’s counsel through his word is to place ourselves in the midst of a stormy, raging sea in a boat without an oar or life preserver.

It is truly a frightening place to find ourselves.

Examining and understanding scripture can help us to make better choices.

We can rest in the Lord with the assurance of his help and power.

God made a way for the children of Israel, delivering them from the hands of the Egyptians.

In Exodus 12:40, Scripture reads, “Now the time that the children of Israel dwelt in Egypt was four hundred and thirty years.”

Throughout this time they were never forgotten by the Lord who promised to bring deliverance.

All of the crying and tears were recorded and a time set for their freedom from captivity.

This was an extended length of time to hold on to the promise and believe that things may truly change.

It also was a time when their hope was stripped away.

Anyone who is beaten down by situations continually will become defeated.

To be defeated is to lack the power to change.

One who is defeated is unable to see beyond the circumstances and typically gives up on life.

There is a sense of helplessness, getting lost in the day to day situations.

There is an internal voice saying, “What’s the use? Things will never change.”

This lie would be combated by God who had a plan for his people then, and his plan continues to this day.

There were lessons to be learned.

Life is a gift to be appreciated, although it is not always an easy road.

When the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt they carried with them the marks of captivity.

To name a few, there was a loss of self-esteem, victim mentality, fear and a tie to the familiar; all needing broken from their lives.

How many times we make choices to stay in situations despite the pain.

It is just easier than change.

This is not an unfamiliar mind-set in our society today.

God knew that there would be the temptation to return to the old patterns and familiar place, therefore, Scripture reads in Exodus 13:17, “And it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God led them not by the land of the Philistines, although it was near; for God said, ‘Lest the people change their mind when they see war, and they return to Egypt’ but God led the people by the way of the wilderness by the Red Sea.”

The wilderness is not a bad place to be when God is with you.

He sees the beginning from the end and understands the difficulty in letting go of the old to reach forward to the new.

This would be a test.

Some of us pass the test with flying colors the first time; most of us have to make trips around the mountain and through the wilderness until we get the passing grade.

God closed the door that led to the easy road, the Promised Land.

He opened wide the door that would help his people to develop character, understand his nature and fully trust him.

He allowed the testing ground to prove what was in their hearts, and he helped them to overcome their enemies.

God’s deliverance of his people from Egypt was the beginning step to blessing for the remainder of their lives.

Walking it out would bring the promotion.

There is nothing that is impossible for God.

Take a look at your life today.

What is holding you back from your destiny?

Ask the Lord to help you release all to him, bondages, addictions, hurts and fears.

Choose to let go of the past and trust the Lord.

He stands ready and willing to bring us out, that he might take us into our destiny.

Let’s humble ourselves before a mighty God, be teachable, learning life’s lessons the first time around!

Let go and let God.

Patty Scahill of Austintown is a conference speaker, author and hospice chaplain.