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Sunday, January 30, 2011


Both vulnerable. West deals.



uJ 6 3 2

vK J 10 7 3

wA 8 5


xK J 4 x3

uA 7 uK Q 9 5 4

vA Q 8 v6 5 2

wJ 10 7 4 3 wK Q 9 2


xA Q 10 9 8 7 6 5

u10 8

v9 4


The bidding:


1w 1v 2u 4x

Dbl Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Ace of u

Like a good wine, some bridge players age well. We first met Bob Hamman in 1964, when he represented the United States for the first time in international competition. Watch him in action on this deal from the Senior Knockout teams at the ACBL Fall Nationals in Orlando.

The auction was soon over. West’s jump to two hearts promised a club fit and Hamman brushed aside the opposition with his jump to four spades. West thought Christmas was coming early and doubled.

West led the ace of hearts and East was afraid that signaling with the nine would promote a heart trick for declarer, so he started an echo with the five. That was not clear to West, who cashed the diamond ace and continued with the eight. Hamman won with the king and, when East did not echo, continued with the ten of diamonds and ruffed with the ten of trumps.

Trusting that West did not seem worried by what was transpiring, Hamman next led the five of spades from hand! The trick consisted of the 5, 4, 2, 3 and one of West’s trump tricks had vanished!

Hamman cashed the ace of trumps, crossed to the ace of clubs and discarded his heart loser on the ten of diamonds. He lost only one trick in each suit except clubs — four spades bid and made! At the other table, three spades doubled failed by a trick.

2011 Tribune Media Services