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HELOISE: Foiling tarnish: Is it safe to do?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dear Heloise: I read in a novel that you can polish silver flatware by bringing water containing aluminum foil to a boil. When boiling, place tarnished flatware in the water and add 1/4 cup baking soda. Boil for a few minutes. Remove the shiny silver, then wash in warm, soapy water and dry. I tried this on six pieces, and it worked like a dream.

My question is: Is this a safe method? Will it harm the silver or silver-plated items?

Prudence, via e-mail

Yes, it is one way to quick-clean, and it may be safe on most sterling silver. Antique, heirloom, oxidized (pieces with purposely blackened areas, called patina), silver plate and hollow-handled pieces should not be cleaned this way. Also, this is for occasional cleaning only.

First, put the stopper in the drain. Then place several sheets of foil (shiny side either up or down), lengthwise and side to side, in the sink (not stainless steel). Boil water, enough to cover the pieces. Put 2 to 3 tablespoons of baking soda on top of the foil, pour the boiling water carefully into the sink and mix to dissolve the baking soda.

Carefully put the silver pieces in, making sure they make contact with the foil. Soak for several minutes or until they are shiny, then rinse in cold water and dry with a microfiber or other soft cloth.

By the way, make every day special by using your silver flatware. No need to save it for special occasions!


Dear Heloise: My garage was a mess, and I didn’t want to spend a whole day cleaning it. Each day before I left for work (or an errand, etc.), I would pick two items to either put away or take to give away. In no time, the garage wasn’t as cluttered, and doing this for a few more weeks should make the garage clean and neat.

Ronnie E., via e-mail

Dear Heloise: My car has a musty odor to it even after cleaning. I’m tired of buying the car fresheners, because they don’t last long, and it gets expensive after a while. Do you know of anything that I can make at home?

Carl L., via e-mail

Give this a try: Put a couple of drops of orange or cinnamon essential oil on a paper towel or tissue, and slide it under the passenger seat or into the air vent. The aroma will fill the car in no time. You can find essential oils at organic or health-food grocery stores.


Dear Heloise: To check if there are leaks in the toilet flapper, add a couple of drops of food coloring to the tank. The amount that leaks into the bowl indicates the amount of leakage. Do this on a day away from home when the toilet is not in use.

J.B. in Louisiana

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to

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