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Living by faith tests belief

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Habakkuk (the eighth book of the Hebrew Bible) 3:17-19 reads, “Though the fig tree should not blossom, and there be no fruit on the vines, though the yield of the olive should fail, and the fields produce no food, though the flock should be cut off from the fold, and there be no cattle in the stalls, Yet I will exult in the Lord, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength, and he has made my feet like hinds’ feet, and makes me walk on my high places.”

This portion of Scripture contains a wonderful truth for us all.

In essence, it says, “God alone is enough. No matter what struggles or trials life may bring my way, he will work it out for me.”

This is the true walk of faith.

Habakkuk the prophet, whose name means “to embrace” realized, wrote and vocalized this belief that he chose to live.

Recognized as one of the minor prophetic books, it contains the words “The righteous will live by his faith.”

This expression of belief is what Habakkuk stood for, and it fully represented where his trust was founded.

His faith was not a religious doctrine but an active daily dependence upon the Lord.

It was a moment-by- moment way of life.

Faith founded in one who is greater than all, knowing that the Lord is more than able to care for those who place their trust in him.

This faith, belief and conviction allowed him to embrace all of life’s situations realizing God would help him make it through.

His faith was rooted in “knowing” the Lord, not just knowing about him.

Today we face many difficulties, as a people, as a nation and in the world.

As in the days of Habakkuk, we also see wars and strife.

Fear grips the hearts of many as we see what is going on in today’s society.

For us today, it is even more visible with the medias we have at our disposal.

Seeing the struggles of other countries as well as our own can be disheartening.

Morality has declined and for many, their personal faith in the Lord has grown cold.

The traditional message of the Gospel, in many cases, has been washed down or replaced with a self-made, man-made theology that lacks faith in our savior, Jesus Christ.

If faith is lost, fear abounds.

Psalm 33:12 reads, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.”

Faith is belief and trust.

It is a heart conviction with confidence in the one we are trusting.

Believing beyond the point of seeing and knowing that God sees and knows what we are going through.

Faith is an internal belief that produces external fruit.

The Bible says that faith can move a mountain, even though the seed of faith may be very small, like a grain of mustard.

A seed that geminates will produce a crop.

Our declaration of faith will set us apart and enable us to impart hope into hurting lives.

You see, as Christians we are called to express life with an attitude of faith.

Not a name it, or claim it faith that can be viewed as off balance but with a true heartfelt faith and belief.

This comes only from a personal relationship with the Lord.

Knowing him, trusting him and having faith that no matter the circumstances, he is well aware and well able to help us.

Our resolve is to have faith, live righteously and trust God.

In the midst of loss, bad news or troubling times, faith will carry us through.

James 1:3 reads that the “testing of our faith produces endurance.”

The test may be hard, but the reward will be eternal.

Faith says, I believe, therefore I will obey.

Habakkuk took a stand, and declared that even if all of his possessions, everything he labored for was lost his choice was to trust the Lord.

God would cause him to rise above the troubles and bring restoration and peace to his soul.

The Lord would give him eyes of faith to see beyond and give him “spiritual strength” to skip over the circumstances and cause him to walk above what was going on his life.

Jesus asked a question in Luke 18:8 and it was, “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith upon the earth?”

Will he?

We are of the household of faith and the Lord loves us.

He stands today reaching out to us in simplicity.

He has given us precious promises recorded in scripture.

Allow faith to rise up and believe him for all that is needed in your life.

Keep trusting Jesus, now, and forever, it will all be worth it.

Patty Scahill of Austintown is a conference speaker and author.