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Thursday, December 22, 2011


Both vulnerable. South deals.


xA J 9 8 5

uA Q 2

v7 5

wQ 6 3


xK 10 7 xQ 6 3

uJ 10 9 7 uK 6 3

v8 6 3 vJ 10 9 4

w10 9 5 wK 7 2


x4 2

u8 5 4

vA K Q 2

wA J 8 4

The bidding:


1w Pass 1x Pass

1NT Pass 3NT Pass

Pass Pass

Opening lead: Jack of u

You arrive at a normal contract of three no trump (yes, it would be better if North declared, since the heart suit will be protected from a lead through your major tenace at trick one). So here you are, Mr. Phelps, defending against three no trump with the West cards and make the normal lead of the jack of hearts. Declarer covers with dummy’s queen, your partner wins with the king and returns the six.

You cover with the seven, declarer ducks in dummy and naturally you are allowed to hold the trick. You force out the ace. Declarer comes to hand with the ace of diamonds and leads a low spade. You play second-hand low, declarer finesses the eight and partner must hold up to prevent declarer from running the suit with a second finesse. But declarer now starts on clubs and, thanks to the 3-3 split, gets home with three club tricks, three diamonds, and three tricks in the majors.

You have let your team down. When declarer led a spade up to dummy, rise with the king! That kills dummy’s long suit and the contract.

2011 Tribune Media Service