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Monday, December 19, 2011


East-West vulnerable. East deals.


x9 8 7 5 3

uK 5 3

vA J 8 3



xQ 4 2 xA K J 10

uJ 8 7 6 4 uVoid

v7 4 vK Q 10 9 6

w8 7 6 wQ 10 4 3



uA Q 10 9 2

v5 2

wA K 9 5 2

The bidding:


1x 2u Pass 4u

Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Two of x

This deal is from a match to select a national team for the World Championship.

East’s opening bid was canape — the shorter of two biddable suits. Four hearts was reached in short order.

West led a low spade, East won with the king and continued with the ace, ruffed by declarer who shifted to the ace and ruffed a club, then led a low diamond from dummy, East falsecarding with the queen. A third spade was ruffed by declarer. Declarer cashed the king of clubs, crossed to the ace of diamonds and tried a diamond ruff. West overruffed and returned a trump — down one.

In the other room, the same contract was reached after a one diamond opening bid by East. West led the seven of partner’s suit, declarer shot up with dummy’s ace and led a spade from the table. East won and continued with the ace, a defense that did nothing to harm declarer’s cause. Declarer ruffed, cashed the ace and king of clubs, ruffed a club in dummy and a spade in hand and led another club, overruffing in dummy when West ruffed low. A trump to the queen revealed the distribution, so declarer, down to the ace-ten of trumps, a good club and losing diamond, simply exited with his diamond. East won and played a winner, but West, down to nothing but trumps, had to ruff and return a trump into declarer’s ace-ten tenace. Four hearts bid and made.

2011 Tribune Media Services