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Glenwood food drive is smashing success

Friday, December 16, 2011


Neighbors | Sarah Foor .The finale of the Nov. 21 was offering students the chance to put a pie in the face of a favorite teacher. Ashlee Semond (front left) aimed her pie right for BGMS teacher Ryan Barrett (front right), who prepared for impact.


Neighbors | Sarah Foor .Food drive coordinator Jeen Dravecky (standing) gave a buzz cut to Glenwood Middle School teacher Scott Lenhart as a prize for the student's outstanding showing of support for the Salvation Army Food Drive.


Neighbors | Sarah Foor .Student council member Cate Green had her blonde ponytails cut off on Nov. 21 in front of her Glenwood Middle School classmates by food drive coordinator Jenn Dravecky (right, standing). Green donated her hair to Locks of Love.


From Nov. 7 to Nov. 18, the students at Boardman Glenwood Middle School showed support for their community by collecting 3,906 cans and boxes of nonperishable foods to be donated to the Salvation Army.

Excitement was high and participation was widespread during the 10-day food drive because the students were offered fun incentives to make sure donations kept flowing in.

“We gave the kids a challenge — collect 2,400 food items and we’ll do some fun things with students and teachers throughout the school. First and foremost, our students are very passionate about supporting the Boardman community, but the promises we made definitely helped bolster enthusiasm for giving,” said teacher Jenn Dravecky, who organized the drive.

With donations surpassing the original goal, Glenwood students excitedly filed into their gymnasium on Nov. 21 to collect their prizes.

The assembly started off with a few special haircuts. Dravecky gave teacher Scoot Lenhart a buzz cut and then snipped the long blonde ponytails off student council member Cate Green, who donated her hair to Locks of Love.

Next, the students wrapped up their success by having student council members coil toilet paper around teacher Lisa Straight and assistant principal Wendy Samford.

For the assembly’s big finish, top student donators and student council representatives lined up in front of staff members Ryan Barrett, Vince Carnevale, Eric Diefenderfer, Jeneane Hugus, Doreen Miner and Andy Wade. As the crowd roared, each student smashed a pie in a teacher’s face.

“The donations went above and beyond this year and this is the most food we’ve collected in the last four years of the program. They definitely deserved having a little fun,” added Dravecky.