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Friday, August 19, 2011


Both vulnerable. South deals.


xA 6 4

uK 9 8

vA 9 8 6 4 3



x8 2 xK J 10 9 7

uJ 10 6 5 3 2 uQ

v5 vQ J 7

wQ 9 8 3 wK 10 5 2


xQ 5 3

uA 7 4

vK 10 2

wA J 6 4

The bidding:


1w Pass 1v 1x

Pass Pass 3v Pass

3NT Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Eight of x

We honed our craft under the tutelage of the late Richard L. Frey. So well known was he as a writer/editor that many forgot what a fine player he was. For years he had the winningest percentage of any expert in national events. This deal is from the 1934 Masters’ Pairs Championship, which he won with Howard Schenken.

At most tables in the event the contract was three no trump and West, in response to his partner’s overcall, led a spade. Most declarers routinely played a low spade from the table, and the contract was defeated. East won and shifted to a low club and, no matter how declarer proceeded, the defenders could maneuver to collect three clubs, a spade and a diamond — down one.

Frey was one of the few to foresee the danger posed by the club suit was greater than that in spades — the queen of spades was a second stopper even if declarer won the ace at trick one!

Suiting the deed to the reality, Frey rose with the ace of spades at trick one and immediately proceeded to set up diamonds by conceding a trick to the defense. As a result, declarer had five diamonds, two hearts and a trick in each black suit before the defense could set up and run spades. On the deluge of diamonds that followed, the defense slipped and declarer scored the queen of spades for an overtrick and a clear top.

2011 Tribune Media Services