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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter greeting card original drawing, chick painting a picture of an egg while two bunnies play peek-a-boo behind it, pen and ink, Art Novelty Co., New York, 1942, $25.

Easter pull toy, bunny cart with rider, painted fiberboard, rabbit wearing dress & apron, yellow cart with flowers, marked “Trixytoy, Pat. Pend.,” 1930s, 4 x 12 inches, $35.

Tortoise & Hare cookie jar, wood-tone turtle with flowing orange scarf and pink tongue, rabbit lying on top holding carrot, California Originals, $65.

Celluloid rabbit in Easter bonnet baby toy, yellow rabbit with dark green bow, red flowers, lavender inner ears, Viscoloid Co., 1920s, 4 x 31/4 inches, $125.

Cast-iron dachshund boot scraper, barking, curly tail, Hubley, 21 inches, $130.

Rabbit nodder candy container, riding motorcycle, wearing goggles, head attached to body with spring, Germany, 1940s, 8 x 41/2 inches, $295.

Effanbee Honey majorette doll, hard plastic, blond mohair wig, blue sleep eyes, closed mouth, red and white outfit, fancy hat, gold boots, 1949, 20 inches, $460.

Steuben Wisteria prong vase, three flutes, applied wisteria foot, pale blue and purple, 10 inches, $745.

Rocking mammy’s bench, stencil design with all-over lyres, flowers and stars, dark brown ground, plank seat, removable child guard, turned legs, 1840s, 27 x 48 inches, $1,090.

Bronze andirons, pair of dachshunds, sitting, animated expression, removable firedogs, Tennessee Chrome Plate Co., Nashville, 1925-50, 14 x 16 inches, $1,610.