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HEALTH NEWS DIGEST | Bigger sleep lab

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bigger sleep lab


The St. Joseph Health Center Diagnostic Sleep Lab has relocated to Hunters Square, 8600 E. Market St., Howland. The new location enabled the lab to expand to a four-bed lab with the capability of expanding to six beds. Staff members are registered sleep technologists certified by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. The medical staff includes a board certified physician and a sleep specialist.

Symptoms of sleep-related disorders include excessive daytime sleepiness, difficulty falling asleep, unusually loud or irregular snoring, unexplained morning headache, memory loss and moodiness or irritability.

Breaking ground


Site work has begun for the Joanie Abdu Comprehensive Breast Care Center (JACBCC) at St. Elizabeth Health Center on Belmont Avenue, including excavation for the building addition, and the interior side targeted for renovation has been closed off and demolition started.

Over the next several weeks, major changes will be made to Moyer Park, the green space hillside between the hospital and the Ambulatory Care Center. The hill, which includes a fitness track, trees and commemorative rock, will be removed to street level, and a new fitness track will be created at the St. Elizabeth Family Health Center. The Moyer Park commemorative rock will be used in the healing garden, which will be located west of the JACBCC. Moyer Park is named in honor of Sidney Moyer, who served many years on the St. Elizabeth Board of Trustees and as chairman from 1973 to 1977. The total project is targeted for completion in late fall.

Get rid of old pills


From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 30, law enforcement officials from protective services at Humility of Mary Health Partners and the Drug Enforcement Administration will offer the public an opportunity to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs. Medications will be collected at St. Elizabeth Health Center at the Belmont Avenue entrance and at St. Joseph Health Center at the main entrance.

The service is free and anonymous. Medication may be kept in its original container or removed and disposed directly into the disposal box at the site; but if an original container is disposed of, the hospitals ask that any personal identifying information be removed from the prescription label.

Liquid medications, intravenous solutions, injectibles and syringes will not be accepted due to potential hazards posed by blood-borne pathogens.

Diabetes lecture


Ankle and Foot Care Centers’ Dr. Kwame Williams is offering a free lecture, “The Role of Diabetes in Foot Care,” at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at the Commons at Greenbriar, 8060 South Ave. The lecture is open to the public. For more information, call 330-758-8855.