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HELOISE: ASPCA hints help pets on holiday

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dear Readers: Some pet owners enjoy dressing their pets in funny costumes for Halloween, but your pets should feel safe and happy on this night. Here are a few hints from our friends at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ( and from the Heloise Files for a safe Halloween for all pets:

If your dog or cat does don a costume, make sure that it fits well, or dress the animal in a black-and-orange bandana or bow.

The constant ringing of the doorbell, strange people showing up and unusual noises can be stressful for your pets. Be sure that all inside animals are comfortably contained in another part of the house so they don’t run out.

Candy is terrible for animals — especially chocolate, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Treats for your pets on this night? Carrot pieces, apple slices or their favorite biscuits. Keep candy wrappers picked up, too.

Have a great and fun Halloween, and keep your pets safe, on this night and every night!


Dear Readers: Frances Riel of Manchester, N.H., sent a photo of her male beagle mix, Skipper, hanging out in Mom’s chair. Frances says: “Skipper spends more time in my chair than I do. He was adopted from a shelter and has brought such joy to our family.” To see Skipper hanging out, visit www


Dear Heloise: My dog had an operation, and the pain pills she had to take were bitter. All the tricks I’d used before didn’t work, and I hated forcing the pills down her throat. So I chopped up a dog treat in the food processor till it was like coarse bread crumbs, hid the pill inside a small ball of peanut butter, and then coated the peanut-butter ball with the dog-treat crumbs. Down the hatch, and saved a couple of fingers, too.

Tim Merrill in Alexandria, Va.


Dear Heloise: My dogs love to chew on plastic water bottles. If I put dog treats in it, this will keep them occupied for a while!

Susan in San Antonio

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