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HELOISE: Classic advice: Know neighbors

Monday, October 25, 2010

Dear Readers: We wanted to revisit some classic letters of thought from the Heloise Files that are funny, interesting or just a good hint. Here’s one letter:

“I get my energy, motivation and enthusiasm by liking my new neighbors. When a new family moves into the neighborhood, I have a get-acquainted coffee hour for them. Introductions and household tips are exchanged. For a fun thing that’s helpful, we prepare a map of our street with the names and addresses of everybody filled in.

“The guests add their home telephone number, names of family members, etc. The map then can be kept by the newcomer’s phone for easy reference. By knowing your neighbors, you can help each other by watching each other’s property during vacations and by feeling free to call in an emergency.”


Sounds a little like a scene out of the TV show “Desperate Housewives,” but this is a real letter printed in 1981!


Dear Heloise: The plastic container that flushable wipes come in can be used:

For storage of trinkets.

To hold desk supplies, such as paper clips, rubber bands and staples.

As a makeup case when vacationing.

Margarette Mattern, via e-mail

Thanks, Margarette, for these handy reuse hints. Please see the following hint for another makeup hint:

Dear Heloise: I work in an office and have an extra makeup bag in my desk for some of my personal items, such as travel sewing kit, clear nail polish, eyedrops, mirror, lipstick and some other small items.

A Reader, via e-mail

Dear Heloise: To keep French nails white while gardening, I put baby powder on my hands and especially under the nails. I put on vinyl gloves, then gardening gloves. After removal, I clean my nails with a toothbrush. White every time!

Edie in Erie, Pa.

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE or e-mail it to

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