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Monday, October 25, 2010


Answers to weekly quiz

Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:

xA K Q 6 3 u6 vJ 5 4 wA 10 5 4

The bidding has proceeded:


1x Pass 2u Pass


What do you bid now?

A. Under the circumstances, all you are left with is a simple rebid of two spades, and await developments.

Q. North-South vulnerable, as South you hold:

x3 uK Q 10 8 5 v7 4 wA K 10 8 5

Your right-hand opponent opens the bidding with three spades. What action do you take?

A. Unfortunately, the opening pre-empt has reduced you to a pure guess, so stay fixed and pass. After all, partner still has a chance to bid.

Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:

xA K 10 3 uA Q J 8 5 vVoid wA J 5 4

The bidding has proceeded:


1u Pass 1x Pass


What do you bid now?

A. Our first move would be to jump shift to three clubs, then follow with a leap in spades, which would strongly suggest a void in diamonds.

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

xK 9 8 7 3 2 uA K Q 6 vA 7 w5

The bidding has proceeded:


1x Pass 1NT Pass


What do you bid now?

A. It is unwise to jump when you do not know where you want to play the hand and when an adequate fit might not exist. That boils down to a choice between two spades and two hearts. Since a simple rebid of your six-card suit strongly suggests a minimum opening, two hearts is a standout.

Q. Neither vulnerable, as South you hold:

xK 6 5 uK 10 3 v9 6 2 wJ 8 6 5

Partner opens the bidding with one spade. What do you respond?

A. Bid one no trump even if partner is allowed to pass and you miss your eight-card fit.

Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:

xA K 6 5 4 uA J 7 vA Q 10 w6 3

The bidding has proceeded:


1x 2w Pass 3w


What action do you take?

A. If you pass with this sort of hand, you are allowing the opponents to steal you blind. Since you do not want to rebid a five-card suit at the three-level, your only sound action is to double. Since partner has not yet bid, this is for takeout, although partner is free to convert it to penalties.

2010 Tribune Media Services

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