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Sunday, October 24, 2010


Both vulnerable. East deals.


xQ 10

uQ 7 3

vJ 5 4

wK 9 8 6 2


x8 2 x7 6 5

uJ 10 8 6 5 2 uA K 4

v10 8 7 3 2 vA 9

wVoid wQ J 10 7 3


xA K J 9 4 3


vK Q 6

wA 5 4

The bidding:


1w Dbl 2u 2NT

4u 4x Pass Pass


Opening lead: ?

We cannot stress too often that pulling random cards from your hand either on lead or when following suit is a losing proposition. Your choice of which card you play conveys information to partner, and should be used as often as possible.

North-South reach an excellent contract of four spades — which has no play if the defense is accurate. For his opening lead, West must choose the two of hearts! Since he can hardly have a four-card suit for his bid, that indicates to partner to return the lower of the remaining side suits — in this case, clubs, generating a ruff. A diamond to the ace followed by another club ruff and the defenders have collected the first four tricks as the declarer follows suit helplessly.

With any other lead, the defenders will either have to guess what to do or watch declarer wrap up his game contract.

2010 Tribune Media Services

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