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HELOISE: Organize pantry in colors of products

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dear Readers: Is everything a jumble in your pantry? You may not even realize what you have! A great way to organize is by color.

Green is probably one of the most prominent colors in the pantry. Peas, green beans and jars of pickles go together. Red is for ketchup, salsa, tomato sauce and cranberry sauce. Orange? Canned carrots, yams and peaches. Yellow is for corn, pineapple and applesauce. White can be mayonnaise, macaroni, sauerkraut and potatoes.

Dry and boxed goods, like spaghetti, flour and sugar, also should be stored together.

Think about which items you reach for the most, and keep those at eye level. That way you can tell when you are running low.

A new over-the-door shoe organizer can hold spices, trash-can liners, paper towels and other dry goods. A motion-detector light from a lighting store can really help you see in the pantry, which is especially useful if you have your hands full and are trying to offload groceries.

The floor of the pantry can be used to store larger or seldom-used items. I keep several cases of canned dog food there along with large baskets that I use for entertaining, decorating, etc.

With just a little effort and time, your pantry can be clean and organized. Try to keep it in order as you go in and out, a little at a time, and it’s not such a big job later on.


Dear Heloise: To make “pumpkin” pancakes for Halloween, drop some red and yellow food coloring into the batter and mix. Pour the pancakes, and when they are done, they will look like sweet pumpkins.

A Reader, via fax

Dear Heloise: When thinking about storing leftovers in the refrigerator, I thought, Why not purchase all square and rectangular storage bins? They stack more neatly and use the space in the fridge more efficiently.

N.W. in Texas

Dear Heloise: Curious toddlers can grab at pot handles on the stove in the blink of an eye; pulling over a pot of hot liquid on yourself or a child can be devastating. Prevent this by simply turning the pot handles inward. This also is helpful if you are having a party and everyone is congregating in the kitchen. One hip bump can upset a pot.

C.S. in Colorado

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise(at) I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

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